Andrej Batagelj

Andrej is an athletics coach, a professional athlete and a salesperson, who coaches, guides and empowers each client to achieve their great athletic, professional and personal goals. 

He started his sport career relatively late, at the age of 15 to be precise, following his older brother Oliver's steps. Because he was coached by Oliver for more than half of his sports life, he had a lot of opportunities to discuss and analyze different aspects of sport and coaching in general, and was able to try a number of different approaches to the training which resulted in realisation that there are many possible ways to achieve similar goals.

The most important thing he has learned was to choose the way one will have faith in, then to train focused and motivated. It is important to keep in mind that the results will not come in a day, but persistence is going to pay dividends. He acquired his 1st and 2nd degree athletic coaching  diploma in 2008 and 2009.

As an athlete Andrej achieved most of the personal goals he had set for himself. He has been winning national championships from year 2004 until 2016 (16x national champion – indoor, outdoor), he competed in some major competitions, and just missed qualifications norm for the Olympic games a couple of times. For the past few years he has been coaching young track and field athletes (ranging from age 12 – 18). He has also worked alongside his brother Oliver with their Slovenian volleyball champions (ACH Volley), Italian volleyball club Sloga Volley (from Repen near Trieste), some soccer players and perspective young tennis players.


Alongside his sales businessman role he is currently also taking up a role of a coach of the youngs in athletic klub (AK Gorica), of a fitness coach of different sport teams and individuals (especially in soccer and tennis). 

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  • Volleyball is my life and I can not imagine living without it. If I want to be able to play at the highest level, I have to devote a lot of training...

    - Kiryl Krasnievski,
    Belorus volleyball national team member

Disclaimer: Results will not come without dedication and hard work. This is not a "get explosive, fast and strong quickly" scheme. All information provided on this website is based on best practices and for educational purposes only.