You can choose between two payment options:



PayPal or Credit Card

We accept payments via PayPal secure process. There are two options you can choose, either:

  • Guest payment - As a guest you don't need a PayPal account nor you have to register it. You can pay with international credit cards as well as local payment systems. Once you press purchase or subscribe button for a specific product, you will be redirected to the PayPal secure site where you choose the button “Pay with debit or credit card”; shown in the picture. Fill out required fields and complete the payment. Product will be available immediately.
  • Pay with your Paypal account - Choose the product on our site and press purchase or subscribe. You will be redirected to the PayPal secure site where you need to log in with your PayPal account (see the picture) and finish the payment. Product will be available immediately.


Wire transfer

Wire transfer is for all other users that don't have credit or debit cards. Once you choose the product, press purchase or subscribe button, then select wire transfer option and complete the process. You will be redirected to another page where you will be provided with payment information. We will also send you the payment details in an e-mail once we've reviewed the order. Once the payment is confirmed you will be notified to have access to your product. Please note that the confirmation can take up to 5 working days.

Testimonials View All

  • Volleyball is my life and I can not imagine living without it. If I want to be able to play at the highest level, I have to devote a lot of training...

    - Kiryl Krasnievski,
    Belorus volleyball national team member

Disclaimer: Results will not come without dedication and hard work. This is not a "get explosive, fast and strong quickly" scheme. All information provided on this website is based on best practices and for educational purposes only.